My journey so far........

My story so far.......

I’m James a Theta Healer and musician based in Glastonbury, UK.

I live and breathe my passions of music and healing in here in Glastonbury, a town filled with myth, magic, creative folks and spiritual seekers where I offer 1 to 1 Theta Healing sessions via Zoom and in person.

Awakening with Nature

My spiritual adventures began in my early teens and early

spiritual experiences included sensing tree auras with my childhood
friends in the woods. We grew up walking the rolling hills of the
Derbyshire countryside and we’d often go out and commune with nature.

“Tree Sensing” became a way of connecting to something beyond our
normal everyday lives. We’d go out into the woods, allow ourselves to
really slow down, breathe, centre, become really peaceful and then start
to sense the auric fields of the trees.

It’s such a beautiful experience to sense the energy fields of these magnificent beings and I loved how it lifted me out of my every day awareness into lighter, clearer more blissful states. I didn’t realise it then but I was learning to connect to the Creator’s energy.


Wisdom seeking.......

Seeking Wisdom, I was fascinated with Yoga, Eastern Philosophies, India, the Vedas, The Tao, Nature and Spirituality. I still study holistic healing daily and and am deeply inspired by great teachers from many traditions including Anthony Robbins, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Micheal Beckwith, Bob Proctor, Ram Dass, Dr. David R. Hawkins, Vianna Stibal and Joe Dispenza to name just a few.

I just couldn’t stop searching, seeking and learning. You’ve probably had similar experiences I’m sure! I read voraciously and went to many seminars, retreats and spiritual events, always hungry for knowledge and experience.

The love of music and the guitar....

Simultaneously, I built a successful career as a professional classical guitarist performing and teaching across the UK and abroad.

Music has been a passion since I was very young. I was lucky enough to have some wonderful teachers and to go to music college. 

These days I still teaching at specialist music school and run my own guitar school Glastonbury Guitar Academy. Music is a huge part of my life. I love to play, compose and learn new pieces. Recently I even started singing and writing my own songs usually on themes of healing and incorporating Sanskrit mantras.

You can explore my music (or book guitar lessons) at:

Adventures in Energy Healing......

I learned several healing modalities along the way: NLP, EFT, Reiki and more, always fascinated how we can change our inner and outer worlds and come into greater harmony with the Divine Flow of the Universe.

When I discovered ThetaHealing I knew I’d found something truly amazing! Theta Healing helps you release limiting beliefs and create new empowering ones.

The Wonder of Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a fantastic, all encompassing healing modality that never ceases to amaze me. I now have Theta Healing friends all over the world and it has brought me into contact with some truly remarkable souls and energy healers. To find out more visit the Theta Healing official website Here

I now offer my services to the public and it is my joy to help spiritual and creative people release their blocks, up level their lives and manifest their dreams.

How can I help you?

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