Theta Healing Courses with James

Are you ready to take your first steps to becoming an amazing Theta Healing Practitioner ? 

If you’ve already experienced Theta Healing and the incredible life transformations that it can offer then you might want to consider becoming a Theta Healing Practitioner yourself! 

I believe this is the ultimate in personal empowerment. 


As a Theta Healing Practitioner you can learn to shift your own beliefs and also help others to do the same. You can easily become a force for good and a beneficial presence in your world. What would that look like? 🙂    

Learn Theta Healing with James

I  teach Internationally Via Zoom and offer 3 foudation courses in Theta Healing:  


Theta Healing Basic DNA

Theta Healing Advanced DNA

Theta Healing Dig Deeper  

I work with a wonderful company called From Head to Heart

All the courses I currently offer and more with my colleagues are listed on their website

For dates, details and much more click the button below: