Hello Lovely People! 


I’m so excited to invite you to these meditation evenings, live and in person at Forest Song in Glastonbury, UK!


Join us for a joyful evening of meditation and energy healing with the Theta Healing Technique. 


Each month is different, guided and often a little spontaneous! But usually includes energy clearings, Theta Healing downloads, relaxation and a guided visualisation. 


Spaces are currently limited to just 8 people per event so please please reserve you place in advance by email: 



What to expect?

The opportunity to relax and replenish your energy and also to receive a wash of energy clearings and Theta Healing downloads. 

I’ll be using Theta Healing to gently guide you into deep relaxation where  we’ll access the Theta brain state experiencing feelings of peace and tranquillity. From there we’ll explore the topic of the evening and I will offer teachings, downloads and energy clearings to help you feel wonderful, renewed and uplifted.      

Each Evening Has a Theme

Feb 27th – Inviting Prosperity 


March 26th  – Building Happy Relationships


April 23rd – Chakra Balance 


May 28th – Raise Your Vibration!  


June 25th – Heal, Release and Kick Ass


July 30th – Manifest Your Destiny


August 27th – Love Your Body Temple


September 17th – Your Intuition is Your Guide


October – TBC


Where is it?

Forest Song in Glastonbury above the Sons of Asgard shop on Glastonbury High Street. 

When you book your place by email we will send directions and 

an entry code so that you can find it easily.   

Is this for you ?

This is for you if….. 


You’re curious about theTheta Healing modality and would love to learn more.

You just want to chill out and have some you time 🙂 

You seek peace and tranquility for yourself.  

You’d like to uplevel your energy and your life by shifting limiting beliefs   

You would like to meet new friends and like minded people.


Theta Healing is easily compatible with a wide range of beliefs so  

whatever you’re into you’re welcome!

The only prerequisite is a belief in a higher power

and we are good to go!        

When is it?

7:00pm – Meet together in Forest Song (Above Sons of Asgard) at 7:00pm 

7:15pm – Doors close and meditation starts

8:00pm – Water and a chance to share your experience with other participants

8:30pm – Finish 🙂 

How much is it?

Just £8 per person. 

Ready to Book?

We accept advance bookings only due to limited spaces (only 8 people!) 



Email me directly in advance to reserve your place:





I look forward to hearing from you!